The law requires all solicitors to obtain proper proof identity and poor of address from all their conveyancing clients. We also need to make a check on the source of funds used in a conveyancing transaction to enable us to comply with the obligations imposed on us as part of the UK’s Anti- Money Laundering Regime anti property fraud and anti crime measures.

We ask all our clients both new and existing to produce to us evidence of their identity and proof of their address at the outset of every transaction. We realise that you will have been asked to provide documentation to your estate agent / the agent marketing the property you wish to buy and may also have already been asked to provide documentation to your lender/ mortgage broker/ mortgage adviser, however we will also need to see your original documentation.

Preferred Forms of Evidence of your Identity For Individuals

  • Current UK Passport – signed by you
  • Current UK/EU Photo card Driving Licence
  • State Pension Book
  • Benefit book or original notification letter from the Benefits Agency confirming the right to benefits
  • Firearms Certificate (from Chief Constable)

Preferred Forms of Proof of your Address For individuals

  • Recent Bank or Building Society Statement sent to you by post
  • Council Tax Bill
  • Recent utility bill sent by post
  • Child Support Agency Letter
  • Inland Revenue Self-Assessment Statement /Tax Demand
  • Local Authority Rent Card/Tenancy Agreement

Documents we WILL NOT accept include, but are not limited to

  • Provisional Driving Licence
  • Mobile phone bills
  • Credit card statements

Please not the same item CAN NOT  be used as BOTH AS a proof of identity AND AS  a proof of address.

If you are not able to supply any of the  above the please speak to us as we may be to suggest alternative acceptable evidence


When acting for more than one administrator or executor we will normally need to establish the identity of at least two individuals.


Again if there is more than one trustee then we will normally need to establish the identity of at least two trustees. Under some circumstances it may also be necessary to establish the identity of the settlor(s) and beneficiaries.

Corporate Clients – Please click here for identity requirements

For UK private limited companies evidence of identity will be required in relation to the company itself as well as the directors or shareholders.

Evidence of the identity of the company will usually comprise:

  • a recent utility bill (not more than six months old) or statement, or a certificate from a utility supplier to pay for services on pre-payment terms mobile telephone bills are not acceptable
  • current full UK driving licence – old style provisional licences are not acceptable
  • bank, building society or credit union statement or passbook containing your current address
  • benefit book or original notification letter from the Benefits Agency confirming the right to benefits
  • house or motor insurance certificate
  • Council Tax bill
  • local authority rent card or tenancy agreement

In addition, evidence of the identity of the directors and shareholders will be as for UK residents as detailed above.

There are separate requirements for publicly quoted companies and other corporate clients. Please ask your solicitor for further details.

In all cases we will need to take photocopies of all documents submitted as evidence of identity or address.

  • the certificate of incorporation
  • a list of directors
  • a list of shareholders
  • the registered address

In addition to making formal checks of your identity and proof of residence we will have to check with you on the source of any funds to be used in your transaction. Click here for further details regarding checking the source of funds to be used in a transaction